Archive: Breathing

Embracing the Power of the Present Moment through Art

Welcome to the archive of the "Breathing" exhibition. This special showcase took place in Kyoto during April 24th to May 7th, 2023, providing a platform for me to share my art with a diverse audience.

In this collection, you will be immersed in the heartfelt reflections of my artistry—a journey that encompasses the power of breathing and the profound exploration of self-discovery.

Throughout the exhibition, I had the pleasure of collaborating with Yuri Davison, an equally talented emerging artist. We met back in 2019 through social justice and mental health advocacy.

Hence we have never met in person until this exhibition, our creative exchange has enriched our artistic bond, influencing the evolution of our respective approaches.

In each stroke of the brush and vibrant hue, I sought to capture the essence of a transformative moment—a time when I found solace in the present moment, allowing life to unfold naturally. It is my hope that these artworks will inspire you to embark on your own journey of self-reflection and discover the beauty within.

Welcome to "Breathing," an intimate exploration of faith, self-discovery, and the remarkable journey that unfolds when we simply allow ourselves to breathe and be.

Lily Okamoto & Yuri Davison

Lily Okamoto and Yuri Davison are two emerging artists who share a deep connection through their experiences living abroad as Japanese women, and their shared passion for social justice and mental health advocacy.

While they had never met in person, their friendship has been cultivated through their shared interests in human rights, feminism, and art. Both Lily and Yuri ground their lives in art, which allows them to breathe and explore the world around them.

Together, Lily and Yuri aim created a harmonious balance of light and shadow, hope and despair, in their works. Our art exhibition provided an immersive experience that will transport you to a world of beauty and meaning.

Lily OkamotoとYuri Davisonは、日本人女性として海外に住んだ経験と、人権問題・メンタルヘルスへの共通の情熱を通じて深いつながりを共有する、2人の新興アーティストです。


私たちは光と影、希望と絶望の調和の取れた作品を制作することを目指しています。 私たちのアート展では美しく、そして意味のある空間を体験してもらえることと思います。

Lily Okamoto

Lily Okamoto's Breathing Exhibition with Yuri Davison

Lily's artwork in this exhibition reflects her current state of hibernation and solitude, as she patiently awaits the arrival of spring.

In a world that values productivity and achievement, Lily instead chooses to focus on the present moment, letting go of any grand visions or goals.

Through her art, she explores the simple act of breathing, finding beauty in the colors and textures that surround us.

Her paintings are a visual representation of her breath, a reminder to slow down and appreciate the small moments in life.


生産性と達成を重視する世界で、Lily は代わりに現在の瞬間に集中することを選択し、壮大なビジョンや目標を手放します。

彼女は芸術を通じて、呼吸という単純な行為を探求し、私たちを取り囲む色と質感の美しさを見出しています。 彼女の絵は彼女の呼吸を視覚的に表現したものであり、人生の小さな瞬間をゆっくりと感謝することを思い出させてくれます。





Didn't know what to pursue anymore. The world seemed like a threat. Instead of focusing on the outcome, I paid attention to just breathing, as we do in meditation, to live day to day.

Lily Okamoto Breathing 2 Abstract Art


The criticism in my head sometimes grew louder: "You are lazy," "You are escaping from reality," "You are avoiding." To quiet these voices, I journal, I paint. And I tried not to judge its outcome.

Lily Okamoto Breathing 3 Abstract Art


When did breathing become so hard? When did I forget to pay attention to my breath? I notice how shallow my breaths are, and that made me more anxious about the fact that I can't even take in enough air. That was an SOS from my body and mind.

So, I breathe. I breathe to breathe.





Lily Okamoto - Yang - Breathing - abstract art

I am a being of duality, embodying both boldness and flexibility, bravery and serenity, masculinity and femininity.

My abstract paintings express fluidity through dynamic, powerful colors and a sense of motion as my brush flows across the canvas.

However, reality is never simple. There may be a hidden energy of yin within an artwork that appears to embody yang.

A painting created at night may seem to be created during the day, and one that appears to be bathed in light may hold within it the darkness of night.

It is through acknowledging this duality that we can find true harmony.



昼に描かれたかと思う絵は夜に、光の中で描かれたかのような絵は闇の中で - 二元性を認めることによって、私たちは真の調和を見出しているのかもしれません。


My faith, not rooted in religion but in spirituality, was once a distant concept. I knew the word, yet its meaning eluded me, remaining undigested and undefined within my soul.

For years, I yearned to find my faith, whispering to myself, "I want to have faith in myself." Now, that desire has transformed into certainty, as I proclaim, "I have faith in myself."

I unearthed my faith through the art of "doing the undoing," engaging in activities that rejuvenate me, even if they felt almost like doing nothing.

This revelation was the answer my heart had been seeking.

私にとってFaith という言葉は宗教に根ざすものではなく、スピリチュアルなもの。長い間、その言葉は何処か遠く、奥底にあるようで自分には持てないものだと感じていた。 ある時から、『自分自身にFaithを持ちたい』とつぶやくようになっていたように思うが、何年か経った今、『自分にFaithを持っている』に形を変えていた。



I chose to follow only the desires of my soul. Yet, I felt as though I had lost all connection to it. “What was it that I truly wanted?” “Why did I do the things I did? “ , “Where had my soul gone? “

It was as if it had detached itself, and had no will to move forward. I became hypersensitive to what I allowed into my life,

Refusing to repeat past patterns of saying yes to things out of insecurities and fear. I yearned for a faith that assured me it was alright to say “Yes” to only what my soul desired.

I began to reflect upon what my inner child would enjoy. I painted, danced, and sang - I sang with all my might. I ventured back to the dance studio I had left behind so many years ago, and joined the teens. There, amidst the music and the movement,

I felt as if the juice of a ripe fruit was coursing through my entire being, rejuvenating both my body and my mind - and finally, I found it once more.


「Yes」と言うことに対して過敏になった。不安や恐れのせいで魂が望んでないのに「Yes 」と言ってしまうパターンをもう繰り返したくなかった。魂が求めるものだけに「Yes」と言っても良いんだというFaith(確信)を強く探していた。



Spirit Animals

In the artwork "Spirit Animal," the artist captures a mysterious encounter with a captivating creature that exudes an aura of fluidity and purification.

Through an intuitive artistic process, the spirit animal emerges organically, as if it has manifested itself onto the canvas.

The artwork invites viewers to embark on a personal journey of interpretation, exploring their own connections to the spiritual realm and the transformative power of purification.

With its ethereal presence, the spirit animal whispers messages of reassurance and embraces viewers with a sense of peace and renewal.

作品「Spirit Animal」では、流動的で清らかなオーラを放つ魅惑的な生き物との神秘的な出会いを表現しています。





Breath, Breath, Breath… it is a reminder to slow down and take a moment to breath. Close your eyes, inhale the word “Breath”

The piece was created during the "Breathing" exhibition and has resonated with many visitors who struggle with breathing. Using acrylic painting and color pencil, the artwork exudes vibrancy and warmth, with a subtle touch of silver-washed glitter in the background.

Thank you for taking a journey through my photos and stories. I hope you've enjoyed this visual exploration. Feel free to connect with me through my website, email, or Instagram to share your thoughts or explore more of my work.

Keep exploring, keep creating, and keep in touch

With gratitude, Lily Okamoto

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